Privacy policy

Our structure

Swoop Finance Ltd with registered address in 1500 1055 W GEORGIA ST. VANCOUVER BC V6E 4N7 CANADA (BC1301809). The company is a subsidiary and licensee of BizFly Limited which is registered in Ireland (company number 601838) and has its Registered Office at Kinnear Court, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 TY40, Ireland.

Who we are and how to contact us?

We are Swoop Finance Limited, the owner and operator of (owned and operated by Swoop Finance Limited) is a business finance and cost savings matching platform for eligible Canadian businesses. reviews and compares finance matching options across loans, grants, and investments, as well as savings matching options for business banking, foreign exchange, and utility costs.

Swoop Finance Limited (“we”, “us” and “our” in this privacy policy) is the data controller responsible for personal information processed by this website, and by the company.

Business refers to customers who use Swoop directly, or indirectly (“you” and “your” in this privacy policy). Where a business is registered by an ‘Introducer’, the business must have provided permission to the ‘Introducer’ to act on its behalf prior to registration with Swoop.

It is most important that you read this privacy policy carefully so that you are fully aware of how and why we use your personal information. We do not knowingly collect personal information relating to children under the age of 18 – children under the age of 18 should not use our website.

Swoop’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) ensures we are compliant with data protection and privacy in both the UK, Australia, ROI and Canada. If you have any questions about this privacy policy or if you wish to exercise your legal rights set out in this privacy policy, please contact the DPO at:

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend or modify this privacy policy from time to time. All amended versions of this privacy policy will be posted on our website.

Types of personal information we collect

Depending on the requirements of your business, we may obtain any of the following:

  • personal information, so that we can identify who you are (e.g. your name and your date and place of birth)
  • personal information so that we can contact you (e.g. your home address, your email address, and your contact telephone number)
  • other more personal information so that we can help you with your business requirements (e.g. details about your health or criminal convictions/ offences – this data is known as “special category data” and we will only collect this data if the law allows us to do so)
  • behavioural and/or technical personal information (e.g. details about how you browse our website, and the devices and technology you use to browse our website).

How we use personal information, the grounds in law upon which we rely to use it, and why we use it.

How we might use your
personal information?
What legal grounds (‘lawful basis’) do we have to use your personal information?Why do we use your personal information the way we do?
We may share your personal information with our approved finance/service providers so that they can return information to you via our website.This processing of your personal information is necessary so that we can provide our services to you in accordance with our website terms and conditions.Without processing your personal information in this way, we would be unable to provide our services to you/your business.
We may share your personal information with a limited number of approved third-party data providers in return for further information about you.We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal information in this way.It is in our legitimate interests to process your personal information in this way so that we can provide a more user-friendly experience.
If you opt-in to receive general marketing from us, we may process your personal information for the purposes of providing our general marketing to you. For example, if you opt in to receive our general marketing, we may send you newsletters and updates about our latest services.We will only process your personal information for the purposes of providing direct marketing to you/your business with your consent.Our marketing materials are diligently drafted, topical, relevant, and useful for our business customers.
If, during your application process, you opt-in to receive contact from our approved finance/service providers, we may provide your contact details to those partners so that they can contact you in order to progress the required support for your business.We will only share your personal information with our approved finance/service providers so that they can contact you in this way with your consent.We understand that some of our business customers will prefer to communicate exclusively with us. By opting-in to receive contact from our approved finance/service providers, you/your business may save valuable time and resources.
We may process your personal information in order to send you service communications.This processing of your personal information is necessary so that we can deliver our support and services to your business in accordance with our website terms and conditions.Without processing your personal information in this way, we would be unable to deliver our services and support to your business.
We may process your personal information in order to detect and prevent financial crime, including fraud.We have a legitimate interest
in processing your personal information for the purposes of detecting and preventing financial crime.
It is in our legitimate interests to process your personal information in this way because financial crime negatively impacts all of us.
We may process your personal information and share it with our approved finance partners and third-party providers in order to verify that a financing and/or servicing arrangement between you and one of our approved finance/service providers has taken place.We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal information for transaction validation and audit purposes.It is in our legitimate interests to process your personal information in this way so that we can continue to provide our services to you. This means it is imperative that we can audit our approved finance/service providers for transaction validation purposes and, where appropriate, receive commission or other payments for services rendered by us.
We may process your personal information in order to personalise or improve aspects of our service and for troubleshooting and other quality control and testing purposes, including for the purposes of responding to any queries or complaints raised by you or our approved finance/service providers.We have a legitimate interest in processing your personal information in order to ensure that we are always able to provide an excellent service to our valued customers.It is in our legitimate interests to process your personal information in this way so that we can provide a high quality of service. To do this, we regularly monitor and seek to improve our interactions with you and our approved finance/service providers. This helps us to understand how we can better satisfy the needs of your business and hence grow our business. Sometimes we may also need to access your personal information in order to resolve any queries or complaints which are made about our service. Our work in this area ensures that we can continue to provide the high level of service which your business deserves.
We may process your personal information in order to comply with our legal and/or regulatory obligations.This processing of your personal information is necessary so that we can comply with the numerous legal and/or regulatory obligations to which we are subject.We operate within a heavily regulated environment; we are subject to numerous laws, rules, regulations, and requirements. Sometimes it is necessary for us to process your personal information in order to comply with the laws, rules, regulations, and requirements to which we are subject.

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information from you when you interact or engage with our website, including when you register an account with us via our website. We may also collect personal information from you when you talk to us on the phone, by post or online including via email, social media, and mobile device apps. We may also engage with you and hence collect personal information from you if you choose to provide feedback or take part in any of our other market research initiatives, customer surveys or promotions.

Occasionally, we may also collect personal information about you from our approved finance/service providers, third parties or publicly available sources.

Third parties with whom we may exchange personal information

We may share personal information with or receive personal information from:

  • other members of our corporate group, including our and their professional advisers,
  • our approved finance/service providers,
  • other third-party providers (for example information available publicly from the ASIC),
  • our regulators and other regulatory bodies, including the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and the Office of The Australian Information Commissioner;
  • law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies.
  • third parties to whom we may sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or assets or third parties whose business or assets we may acquire; and
  • our third-party suppliers (for example, IT software and service providers, IT maintenance and hosting, marketing/PR agencies).

We work closely with our partners to ensure that we only share information with them, and they only share information with us that is either required to provide you with the services or is required by law.

To provide you with a full range of services we also work with a number of carefully selected partners who offer some, or all, of their services by allowing you to directly ‘click-through’ from the Swoop site to the partners site. In circumstances where you ‘click-through’ to a partner’s site:

  • we will always make it clear when you are leaving our site and going to one of our partners 
  • any information that you subsequently provide to a partner following a ‘click-through’ will be governed by their Privacy Policy and we recommend reading their privacy policy before continuing to use their services.

Our selected ‘click through’ partners are listed below:

How third parties with whom we exchange personal information may use that personal information

We impose strict restrictions on the things that third parties may do with personal information that we give to them. For example, such third parties may process personal information that we give to them in order to:

  • assess the eligibility of your business for products, support, or services to meet the requirements of your business,
  • determine/verify your identity and hence carry out necessary checks:
    • with fraud prevention agencies in order to detect and prevent financial crime, including fraud,
    • with credit reference agencies, with the exception of a small number of products where we are obliged to perform comprehensive ID checks (i.e. commercial mortgages) this will  appear as soft searches on your credit report and hence should not adversely affect your credit profile,
    •  against information our finance/service providers already hold about you (for example, if you are already known to their corporate group), and
    • with any other agencies in order that we comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
  • share personal information with their third-party providers and relevant/ appropriate industry and/or government research activities and/or databases and,
  • conduct internal research, reports, and management information (‘MI’) reporting (such as by analysing the nature, scope, and volume of transactions) in order to develop the products and services which they offer. 
  • If you/your business intends to or proceeds to transact with any one or more of our approved finance/service providers, you are strongly encouraged to read the terms of that provider’s privacy policy in order to satisfy yourself as to the purposes for which that provider will use your personal information.

Other disclosures to third parties

Aside from the disclosures set out above, we may also make disclosures as required by law. You acknowledge and agree that we may disclose information you provide if required to do so by law, or if we, in our sole discretion, believe that disclosure is reasonable to.

  • Comply with Canadian law
  • Accord with requests or orders from law enforcement
  • Comply with a legal process
  • Protect or defend Swoop’s rights or property, or a third party’s rights or property

What communications you may receive from us

The communications we send to our customers can be categorised broadly as “direct marketing communications” and “service communications”.

Direct marketing communications

Our direct marketing communications includes our newsletters and information about the latest services and support we can offer to your business.

If you do not want to receive marketing information from us, we will not send any direct marketing communications to you.

Service communications

Service communications broadly comprise of communications which:

  • we have a legal or regulatory obligation to send to you (such as communications which we are obliged by a regulator to send to you from time to time).
  • we send in connection with the provision of our services to you (such as an email which we send to you in order to confirm the best match for your business’s finance requirements); and
  • we send so that we can provide services at your request (such as password reset emails, which you may ask us to send if you do not remember your login credentials but want to access our services).

Sending personal information outside Canada

We will only ever send personal information to providers outside Canada if we have the agreement of the individual that the information is about and where those providers are required to protect personal information in exactly the same way they would be required to protect personal information if they were based in Canada (i.e. within the EEA). This means that we will only send personal information to a non-EEA country if:

  • The Canadian Government has determined that the relevant country affords an adequate level of protection for personal information (i.e. within the EEA),
  • Pursuant to agreement between us and the relevant provider based in the non-Canada or non-EEA country which contains data protection clauses adopted or approved by Canadian Government.

By using our website and providing us with your personal information, you consent to the disclosure of your information to such overseas providers who meet the above criteria.

How long we retain personal information

We may keep your personal information for up to six (6) years following the date on which you last use our website or only for as long as is reasonably necessary thereafter in order to:

  • respond fully to any questions or complaints;
  • evidence that we have treated customers fairly or satisfy some other legal, accounting, tax or reporting requirement; and
  • establish, exercise, or defend legal claims in accordance with statutory limitation periods.

Data security

The security of personal information is extremely important to us and hence we have put in place appropriate security measures to protect personal information from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorised way.

Your legal rights Right of access (compliant with EU GDPR)

You have a right to know whether we are processing your personal information. If we are processing your personal information, you also have a right to request copies of your personal information that we are processing and certain further information, including the purposes of our processing and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom we have disclosed (or will disclose) your personal information.

Right to rectification

You have the right to require us to rectify or complete any inaccurate or incomplete personal information that we are holding about you.

Right to erasure

You have a right to ask us to erase your personal information. This is also known as the “right to be forgotten”. We must erase your personal information following your request except in limited circumstances prescribed by law, such as where we need to retain your personal information in order to comply with a legal obligation or in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims. In these circumstances, we will restrict our processing of your personal information by putting it “beyond use”.

Right to restriction of processing

You have a right to require us to restrict processing of your personal information where:-

  • you believe that the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, and we require reasonable time to verify the accuracy of that personal information,
  • your personal information has been unlawfully processed by us, but you do not want us to erase that personal information,
  • it is no longer necessary for us to keep your personal information for the purposes for which they were collected by us, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims, or
  • you exercise your right to object to processing and we require reasonable time to verify whether there are any overriding grounds upon which we may rely in order to continue that processing.

Right to data portability

If we process your personal information with your consent or because it is necessary for us to do so in order to provide our service to you/your business, you may require us to move, copy or transfer that personal information to you or another third party in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

Right to object

You have a right to object to our processing of your personal information where we are processing that personal information on legitimate interest grounds. We will stop processing this personal information if you exercise your right to object unless there are overriding grounds upon which we may rely in order to continue that processing or unless that processing is necessary in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

You also have a right to object to our processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes. You can use the unsubscribe hyperlink in any direct marketing messages which we may send to you. We will stop processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes if you request us to do so.

Right to withdraw consent

If we process your personal information with your consent, you have a right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, we may be unable to continue to provide certain services to you/your business, but we will inform you if that is the case.


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You can complain to us at any time, we appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns so please do contact us using this email address:

 If we are unable to resolve your complaint you have the right to approach the Information Commissioner of Canada, further details on how to register a complaint with them may be found at:

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